Discover the second nostril of the horse, and learn a bit of hands-on knowledge. This information is specially relevant in veterinary procedures such as nasotracheal and nasogastric intubation.
Warning: unless you are qualified or have experience with horses, please do not try to poke the poor animal's nostrils unsupervised. Horses are very nervous and might bite or otherwise wound a human being. Stay safe!
All the sketches by MsRandomBadger
Peris, SC et al. "Manual de anatomía y embriología de los animales domésticos: conceptos básicos y datos aplicativos" - Editorial Acríbia
Budras, KD et al. "Anatomy of the Horse: An Illustrated Text" - Ekkehard Henschel
The Horse website:
By Miana (MrRandomBadger)
Warning: unless you are qualified or have experience with horses, please do not try to poke the poor animal's nostrils unsupervised. Horses are very nervous and might bite or otherwise wound a human being. Stay safe!
All the sketches by MsRandomBadger
Peris, SC et al. "Manual de anatomía y embriología de los animales domésticos: conceptos básicos y datos aplicativos" - Editorial Acríbia
Budras, KD et al. "Anatomy of the Horse: An Illustrated Text" - Ekkehard Henschel
The Horse website:
By Miana (MrRandomBadger)